Poached Fish with Two Sauces
(Pesce Lesso con Due Salse)
1 tsp. Black Peppercorn
1 Carrot (large, peeled)
1 Celery Rib (with leaves)
1 Onion (quartered)
1 clove Garlic (unpeeled)
4 sprigs Parsley (fresh, flat-leaf)
1 cup Dry White Wine
1 tbsp. White Wine Vinegar
1-1/2 tbsp. Salt (coarse)
1 Whole Striped Sea Bass (approximately 4 lbs. gutted and scaled,
or 2-1/2 oz. filets, skin attached)
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (to brush fish)
Escarole or Curly Endive, to serve
Salsa Verde and Salsetta Rossa Cruda
In a fish poacher or pot large enough to hold the fish without crowding,
pour in 8 cups of water if using whole fish, 6 cups if using filets. Add the
peppervorn, carrot, celery, onion, garlic, parsley, wine and vinegar. Bring
to a boil then simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes.
Season the broth with salt, then lower in the fish, placing filets skin side
down. Poach at a gentle simmer until the flesh is opaque, about 10 minutes
per 1 inch of thickness (measure as the thickest part of the fishh), or 0-10
minutes for filets.
Using a large slotted metal spatula, transfer the fish to a platter and neatly
remove the skin while still warm. Leave the head and tail intact if using
a whole fish. Brush with olive oil to feep the flesh moist and extra flavorful.
Garnish a platter with escarole. Spoon half of each sauce over half the fish
and pass the remainder at the table. Serve warm or at room temperature (the
fish can be kept covered with plastic wrap at room temperature for up to 2
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Culinary Institute cooking school of New Orleans
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